A deviated septum occurs when the septum—the thick band of bone and fibrous tissue that divides your two nostrils—is off-center to one or both sides. The Klausner Institute proudly offers patients solutions for septoplasty in New York City and Manhattan.
Septoplasty: Repairing Your Breathing for a Better Life
A deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing and impacts your quality of life. A septoplasty can clear your airway, allowing you to breathe more easily and ultimately live life to the fullest. Patients work with Dr. Klausner for the following benefits:
- Experience: Dr. Klausner has performed countless successful procedures and has the expertise necessary to provide the best possible results.
- Custom treatment plans: We work with each patient to develop a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals.
- Improved breathing: A septoplasty makes everyday activities easier and reduces fatigue caused by difficulty breathing.